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If you’re on twitter, go ahead and follow me (@teysko) and say hi!

As an immediate way of saying thanks, I want to share some things with you, just because you signed up!

Gift Number 1:

One of the things you can access right away is the archive of minicasts and videocasts for newsletter subscribers. I do about one a month in each newsletter.
The password is newsletterfriend

Gift Number 2:

I also said that if you signed up, I’d send you to a special Spotify playlist I put together just for History Podcast visitors! The Spotify list itself is at and the guide is right here:

EnglishRenaissanceChoralMusicforHistoryPodcastsPeeps (1)

It’s a pdf, so you can download it and then load it onto your eReader.  Or you can read it online.

Here’s a tutorial on how to transfer a pdf to a kindle

Here’s a tutorial on how to add a pdf to an i-anything

I look forward to getting to talk to you more often.  And you can talk to me, too – let’s not have this be a one-sided friendship! Like I said, tweet me (@teysko) or leave a comment on the site, or send me an email or Facebook message

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