Step 3: Record Yourself!
You can use a program like Garage Band or Audacity if you know how, but the easiest way is just to use an online voice recorder like this one: and then save your file (make sure it’s in .wav format) on your computer.

If at all possible, use a good microphone. Record in a quiet place, with no background noise.

It’s important to wear headphones while you listen to the music and sing along with your part. This is so that we only hear your voice, and not the recording.

When you’re ready to record, you need to follow along with the conducting video below, and listen to the recording he is using as a guide.

Here’s a screencast of me doing going through the process, so you can see the action. Once you’re done with that, scroll down to get the link to send your music to us.

Tutorials for recording with Audacity or Garage Band

Conducting Video (created by my high school choral director, Mark Williams. Thank you, Mr. Williams!)

Step 4: Share Your Stuff
Upload the file on this form:

You have until April 10 to send your recording to us. Then the magic elves will do their work (actually, it’s Andrew, a sound editor) and we’ll have the final recording available to buy in May.

Learn more about Church World Service in Lancaster, PA and support them if you are so moved.

Step 5: Buy the final recording (you can do this even if you didn’t send a recording – in fact, please do!)
Stay tuned – follow me @teysko or, to keep up with the release.

Also coming – a Wall of Thanks for people who have supported this project – if you’re interested in doing more than submitting your singing but want to help with publicity, technical work, etc., please email me at hello at heatherteysko dot com. Thanks!

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